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Widowmaker 2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021, 03:00pm

Partner up with your spouse on Saturday July 24th for an AMAZING DATE NIGHT!  

Geneva Widowmaker 2021

Join us for a 9 hole Chapman (modified alternate shot / scramble format) and a Full Surf & Turf Dinner in this years WidowMaker!  Both players will tee off, each partner will hit the the other persons tee shot. The ball in the best position after two shots will be selected and then the couple will play a scramble until the ball is holed! There will only be one score for the team.

Sample Itinerary: Babysitter arrives at 2pm, Swing over to the Grill for a quick pre-game cocktail and maybe roll a few putts, Shotgun start at 3pm and Enjoy a great dinner around 6pm

Saturday July 24th | Shotgun start at 3pm | Surf & Turf Dinner to Follow

$60 per Couple (members) | $100 per Couple (non members)


Geneva Golf Club
4181 Geneva Golf Club Drive
Alexandria, MN 56308